Educate For Life Media
Why would God care if you’re gay?
What, if anything, does the Bible have to say about homosexuality? On April 28th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding the ability of individual states to prohibit same-sex marriage. It may surprise you to learn that until 1961, long before the...
End the Genocide! – Mark Arabo
Kevin talks with humanitarian Mark Arabo, who has been working tirelessly to garner US support for the Chaldean Christian community as they face the threat of ISIS. Arabo tells the sad tale of 150,000 displaced Christians (including 90,000 children), driven from their...
Easter With A Skeptic – Josh McDowell and Sean Taylor
Kevin continues the discussion on the resurrection of Jesus, this time with two guests from opposing positions: Christian apologist Dr. Sean McDowell and atheist Sean Taylor. Sean McDowell grew up in the home of eminent Christian apologist and author Joshua...
Evidence for Easter – Dr. Clay Jones
How is it that one man—who possessed no political power, conquered no cities, and was publicly executed as a criminal—founded the largest and most persistent movement the world has ever seen? It all goes back to what happened on one fateful day: Easter Sunday. This...
No God, No Science – Dr. Jason Lisle
Kevin talks to astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle, not just about evidence for biblical creation, but about the even more foundational issue of worldview. Dr. Lisle explains that those who reject God have a bigger problem than evidence: they don't even have a viable...
Should Christians be Opposed to Homosexuality?
Thursday, July 18, 2013 On March 24, 2013, Kevin Conover was a guest host on the Bob Siegel show (KCBQ 1170AM, Sundays 6:00-7:00 PM). They discussed many of the issues surrounding homosexuality, including marriage, the Bible, psychology, sexually transmitted...
Conversation on the Definition of Marriage
Thursday, July 18, 2013 On July 29, 2012, Skyline Church in La Mesa, CA hosted a conversation (not a debate) between four expert panelists on the definition of marriage. In favor of same-sex marriage were Bishop Gene Robinson (M.Div.) of the Episcopal Church and Dr....
Kevin Presents Young-Earth Creationism to Atheists
Friday, June 28, 2013 This video is of a presentation that Kevin Conover gave to the San Diego New Atheists and Agnostics in May 2012. He discusses intelligent design and the human genome, and specifically a) what intelligent design is, b) how we identify intelligent...
21 Reasons NOT to Believe, Part 1
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Between March and May, Kevin Conover was featured in a four-part sermon series, called "21 Reasons NOT to Believe," at Skyline Church. In the series, he and Bob Siegel (who frequently works in collaboration with EFL) address some of the toughest...
21 Reasons NOT to Believe, Part 2
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 This is part two of Skyline Church's four-part sermon series, "21 Reasons NOT to Believe," which featured Kevin Conover and Bob Siegel. This video was filmed on April 7, 2013. In it, Kevin and Bob discuss how God's existence can be known, the...
21 Reasons NOT to Believe, Part 3
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 This is part three of Skyline Church's four-part sermon series, "21 Reasons NOT to Believe," which featured Kevin Conover and Bob Siegel. This video was filmed on April 14, 2013. This time, Kevin and Bob address how we know that Jesus is God,...
21 Reasons NOT to Believe, Part 4
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 This is part four of Skyline Church's four-part sermon series, "21 Reasons NOT to Believe," which featured Kevin Conover and Bob Siegel. This video was filmed on May 5, 2013. In the concluding session, Kevin and Bob address life after death,...
The Truth Behind Radioisotope Dating
Saturday, April 13, 2013 The modern scientific establishment constantly states that the age of the earth is roughly 4.6 billion years. Scientists determined this date by measuring the rate of decay of certain unstable elements that are present in the earth's crust....
Same-sex Marriage in California: A History of Prop. 8
Saturday, April 13, 2013 On March 26th, the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the legality of California's Proposition 8, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman. This video documents key points in the history of same-sex marriage in California,...
Why do young adults leave the church after high school?
Saturday, April 13, 2013 Recent statistics have shown that approximately 70-80% of Christian teens are no longer practicing Christianity after leaving high school. It IS NOT because the Bible is false; it's because teens are not being provided with the rational...