Educate For Life Media
Jesus Among Muslims – Tach, former Muslim
Islam is utterly opposed to Christianity at its core, denying the message of Jesus' deity, his death for our sins, and his resurrection to give us new life. Yet across the world, Muslims are converting to Christianity in record numbers. How is it that people who...
How To Save Your Marriage – Hobby Howard
From God's first acknowledgement that it is not good for man to be alone, the Bible affirms the importance of marriage through and through. If Christians look to God's word to understand His plan for marriage, they will be able to experience the true joy of having a...
Reject Tyranny, Prevent Anarchy Part 2 – Dr. Gary Cass
In the previous episode Kevin talked with Dr. Gary Cass about the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, and how it is the duty of lesser authorities to stand up to higher authorities when they become tyrannical. This principle applies to all kinds of bodies,...
Reject Tyranny, Prevent Anarchy Part 1 – Dr. Gary Cass
You've probably heard of Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who made national news when she was sent to jail for a unique crime. Davis was the first notable case of a person facing criminal charges for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. Davis argues that...
Church and State: Just How Separate? – Frank Kacer
Can a biologically male transgender student be denied access to facilities intended only for girls? Can a public high school football coach pray on the field after games? Can a Christian photographer or baker decline to provide services for a homosexual wedding?...
Two Views of India – Ananthapadmanabhan and Johnny
In this episode, Kevin talks with Ananthapadmanabhan Kandhadai (who goes by Ananth) and Johnny John, two friends who have a lot in common. Both were born and raised in India, both have lived in San Diego for over 20 years, and both work as engineers for Qualcomm. But...
Becoming a 7-Day Hero – Jerry Huson
This week Kevin talks with Jerry Huson of 7 Day Hero, an organization that takes American Christians to overseas mission fields. Jerry has found many ways to occupy himself throughout his life, from coaching high school and college sports, to earning a PhD, to...
Jesus vs. the Witch Doctor – Onesmus Ngoboka
Would you choose to follow Jesus even if it meant being rejected by your culture, disowned by your family, and cut off from all financial support? Kevin's guest this week, Onesmus Ngoboka, had to make that choice—when he was only 14 years old. In this episode...
Modern-Day Martyrs – Todd Nettleton
If you are familiar with the New Testament or church history, you know that Christians have been persecuted for their faith in many times and places. Starting with the murder of Stephen soon after the resurrection, countless followers of Jesus have been tortured and...
Why Atheism Can’t Explain RealityWhy Atheism Can’t Explain Reality – Dr. Andy McIntosh and Eric Hovind
Kevin recently moderated a debate between Jeff Archer (president of the Atheist Coalition of San Diego) and Dr. Andy McIntosh that focused on the question: Can an atheistic worldview make sense of reality? In the previous episode he talked to Jeff Archer about why he...
An Atheist Explains Reality – Jeff Archer
Whether they know it or not, every person possesses a worldview. This is a set of broad principles that guides their perception of reality, informing them of what exists and what doesn't, what is possible and what is not. As human knowledge has advanced over the...
God and Neurosurgery — Part 2 – Dr. David Levy
Kevin speaks once again with Dr. David Levy, neurosurgeon and author of Gray Matter. This week Dr. Levy shares more of his professional and personal insights into the human brain, taking a deeper look at some of the mind's quirks and how to stay mentally healthy. ...
Kevin Conover preaches at Skyline: A Future and a Hope
Who or what reigns as king over your life? Yourself? Family? Prosperity? Security? If the answer is anything other than Jesus Christ, then you have a problem. In this sermon, Kevin takes a look at the history of Israel in the Old Testament to show what happens when...
God and Neurosurgery — Part 1 – Dr. David Levy
The thought of "combining medicine and spirituality" may cause you to picture medieval doctors drilling holes in a patient's skull to let the demons out, or some other barbaric practice of history. Yet Dr. David Levy, renowned neurosurgeon and UCSD professor, has...
Teen Sex Trafficking in San Diego – Summer Stephan and Jamie Gates
In a previous show Kevin took a look at the Bible's perspectives on slavery, which were written between 4500 and 2000 years ago. This time he addresses an incarnation of slavery that plagues the modern world, including our own communities and schools in the US: human...