Dinosaur Clues

Sep 20, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

How does the evidence reveal rapid burial and fossilization of dinosaurs?  

Many dinosaur skin impressions have been found offering scientists detailed information of the surface appearance of dinosaurs. This excellent preservation means oxygen could not be present; the dinosaurs had to be rapidly covered with enough sediment to stop decay, as the skin impressions fossilized. 

In Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada, scientists have estimated that there are more than 3,000 bone beds, some of which contain millions of bones. These fossil graveyards are found worldwide and contain billions of bones.

Scientists believe that these massive skeleton deposits are excellent evidence for very fast moving water carrying decaying animals along until they were buried and fossilized. Thousands of fossilized dinosaur footprints are discovered worldwide. This is evidence of rapid burial on a global scale. 

Dinosaur eggs are delicate yet we find preserved fossilized eggs across the globe. Fossil dinosaur poop (coprolite) is also found worldwide requiring quick burial to maintain its integrity.  Notice the common themes – lots of sediment, rapid burial, rapidly moving water on a worldwide scale. Considering the global discoveries of fossilized dinosaur skin impressions, bone beds, footprints, eggs, nests and poop, provide evidence of catastrophic global flood. 

(Source: Inspired Evidence, Margaret J. Hedler Completing the Picture 1900 pp.13-19) 


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