What does it mean when we discover fresh tissue in dinosaur bones?
Organic molecules rapidly degrade when exposed to oxygen or weathering forces. Even when deeply buried, organic materials cannot survive for tens of thousands of years. The fragile chemicals that make up our bodies simply “unzip” without the mechanisms of a living cell to protect them. Both biologists and geologists know that undecayed tissue could never survive for millions of years while buried in the ground. For this reason, biologists had never even thought of looking for undecayed organic tissue in fossilized bones.
Evolution requires the assumption that the fossil record was not created by a recent flood but is hundreds of millions of years old. Thus, no one looked for undecayed tissue within fossils. But this all changed in 2005 when undecayed blood vessels and ligament tissues were found in a Tyrannosaurus Rex bone.
Since this discovery, undecayed tissue has been discovered throughout the fossil record. A recent paper even demonstrated that remnants of organic tissue could be identified in skin impressions of a fossil which were supposed to have been buried 50 million years ago!
It is becoming absolutely apparent these millions of years are simply a fantasy needed to explain life without God. The reality that even undecayed skin tissue can be found within fossils essentially proves that the fossils were buried quite recently.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Bruce Malone, Censored Science, The Suppressed Evidence 2009, pp.76-77