Feather Weather Frequency

Oct 18, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Have you considered how birds “hear” blizzards coming? 

Birds have exceptional hearing but in a lower frequency range than normal human hearing. Birds can actually hear bad weather approaching. I am sure you have noticed that a day or so prior to a major storm, birds are frantically feeding at your feeder. These birds hear the storm coming and prepare for it. 

Birds such as hawks and eagles can actually hear the low frequency sounds of approaching thermal air changes.

This is good because their very lives depend on thermal currents in order to soar. Birds can also detect very minute differences in air pressure. You could say they have barometers in their ears. Birds need to be very aware of the weather and the changes taking place in order to survive. 

Other animals also have incredible hearing abilities!

Whales communicate in the infrasound range with each other at distances of more than 100 miles. Male elephants also use these frequencies to communicate up to six miles away. God cares for the very life of His creatures and has designed them with the abilities they need to survive. 

(Source: Inspired Evidence – Philip Snow, The Design and Origin of Birds pp.17) 


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