Ice Cold Insects

Feb 18, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments


Have you considered how insects survive the winter?

Many migrate south such as the monarch butterfly, many die, but what happens to those that don’t migrate to a warmer environment? Insects are cold blooded, therefore they take on the surrounding winter temperature whether it is 20 ̊F or minus 20 ̊F. How do insects survive these freezing temperatures to swarm again in the spring?
During the fall, insects start making glycerol, a type of antifreeze in their bodies, to prepare for winter. Now, as an insect’s body drops below freezing, the cells do not become damaged. In fact, wooly-bear caterpillars that live in the Arctic Circle can withstand minus 90 ̊F.
The belief in evolution requires that insects developed the ability to make antifreeze over millions of years. This is a problem because insects without the antifreeze making ability result in dead insects. The process for making it and making the correct amount, would have been needed right from the beginning in order to survive the first winters. God made insects with the ability to produce antifreeze.
Why do we need insects to survive the winter? One answer is birds. When the birds arrive in the spring, the insects are their food source. After a grueling migration or long winter, finding insects is like a wonderful banquet for birds. God in His wisdom created insects with the ability to survive winter, and then, in the spring to proliferate in order to provide a food source for the birds.
(Source: Inspired Evidence – Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone)


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