The Earth’s Cool Core

Jan 23, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Did you know deep within the mantle of the Earth, 1800 miles below the Earth’s surface, melted rock is estimated to be 5,000° F? However, scientists recently found a continent-sized block of rock within this inferno which is 3,000° F cooler than the surrounding material.

If the earth is billions of years old, heat should be uniformly distributed over time, and there is no explanation as to why this giant chunk is so cool. The Bible provides a solution for this mystery.

Noah’s flood gives evidence for rapid continental movement. Continents moved, plunging the pre-flood ocean rock layers deep within the Earth. This explains how a large cooler area of rock could exist deep within the Earth. It also means the Earth could not possibly be millions of years old.

(Source: Censored Science: Suppress the Evidence, Malone, 2009 pp.74-75)


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