The Educate For Life Show

with Kevin Conover

The Glory in Creation – David Rives

Nov 17, 2017 | Podcast

Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin has as a guest, David Rives. David Rives believes the Creator left a pattern of His fingerprints across each corner of the universe, found in every crevice on earth, and imprinted in every cell of our bodies. A pattern that David Rives has…

Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin has as a guest, David Rives. David Rives believes the Creator left a pattern of His fingerprints across each corner of the universe, found in every crevice on earth, and imprinted in every cell of our bodies. A pattern that David Rives has devoted his life to finding and sharing… while declaring the glory of God through scientific study.

David’s documented field experience in astronomy, paleontology, and archaeology has made him an in-demand speaker with expert knowledge and his powerful and inspirational delivery makes learning about Bible history and science fun and easy for audiences of all ages.

Using the ministries‘ observatory-class telescopes, his breathtaking astrophotography has been featured in textbooks, scientific literature, and shown to audiences around the world. Just as the heavens declare the glory of God, David Rives is proclaiming the manifest presence of God throughout the universe, throughout our world and most especially in the lives of those who know Him.

David’s weekly TV show “Creation in the 21st Century” airs to millions globally on TBN. He is a weekly news columnist on science and the Bible, and is the author of the books “Wonders Without Number” and “Bible Knows Best.”

Tune in for a great discussion of creation versus evolution and how the evidence is plain to see to all. If you want to learn more about David Rives and his ministry, check out

This episode first aired on October 28, 2017.



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