Sin Before the Fall?

Aug 22, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

How could thorns supposedly fossilize in rock layers before Adam and Eve existed?

Fossilized thorns have been dug up in rock layers assumed to be 410 million years old by evolutionary paleontologists. This is a huge problem for Christians who have compromised and believe in an extremely old Earth. According to the Bible, death, disease, bloodshed, and even thorns upon plants are the result of mankind’s rebellion against God. These things exist because Adam and Eve sinned. According to evolution, man wasn’t around until the last million or so years. Evolution places thorns before man, but God says man’s actions resulted in thorns. These explanations cannot both be true, so which is correct? Throughout time, the Bible has been proven correct archaeologically, theologically, and historically. These fossil thorns are not millions of years old; the age of rock layers they have been found in are simply being misinterpreted because the flood of Noah is ignored by evolutionists.
Fossilized thorns resulted from God cursing the world because of man’s sin. Who can save us from this curse? Jesus Christ. In Matthew 27: 29, the Roman soldiers mocked Jesus by putting a scarlet robe on him and then “twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head.” Here we see those cursed thorns again! This time the thorns are on the King of the Universe, God Himself. God took the curse of sin upon Himself and died in our place. Praise be to God for freeing us from sin! Thorns came after man sinned. Fossilized thorns are not millions of years old but are just evidence of a fallen creation that was trapped within the rock formed during the Flood of Noah.
(Source: Inspired Evidence Von Vett & Malone)


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