by Jayson P. | Dec 16, 2021 | Blog
What happened to the dinosaurs? The Bible indicates that land animals were made on day six of creation week. Dinosaurs were land animals. Man was also made on day 6. Therefore, dinosaurs were made along with man (Genesis 1:24-25). Dinosaurs and man lived at the...
by Jayson P. | Dec 13, 2021 | Blog
How do you get life from non-life? Those determined to explain all of biological life without God use natural selection. According to evolutionists, it is natural selection which has transformed bacteria into fish, fish into frogs, lizards into mammals, and...
by Jayson P. | Dec 13, 2021 | Podcast
DescriptionRead more... Was Roe V. Wade a valid case? Learn more about how the evil abortion law took form, how it is being challenged, and how it may soon be overturned. Today on Educate For Life Radio, Kevin talks with James Kaddis pastor of Calvary Chapel Signal...
by Jayson P. | Dec 10, 2021 | Blog
Is our sun just an average star? Astronomers are finding that our sun is no ordinary star. Our sun is a yellow dwarf, and yellow dwarf stars are a minority. Red dwarfs make up 80% of stars but are not conducive to life because they emit most of their radiation in...
by Jayson P. | Dec 8, 2021 | Blog
How has God designed the chicken’s egg to be a perfect nursery? Inside the egg, the nutritional yolk provides food, protection and oxygen for the developing chick. The egg white is a food source and acts as a cushion, absorbing any bumps when the egg is turned. The...
by Jayson P. | Dec 6, 2021 | Blog
What weighs 10 million pounds but can float in the air? Believe it or not, it is a typical sized cloud! The total amount of water continually suspended in the air is estimated at over 50 trillion tons! What a marvel of sheer engineering! What principle of physics...