The Heart is Deceitful

The Heart is Deceitful

Did you know it is within the nature of mankind to lie? The problem with lying to ourselves is that we actually know we are lying, so we must pile layer after layer of more absurd lies in a futile attempt to suppress the original lie. Debating moral topics on an...
Integral  Inventions

Integral Inventions

Have you considered how barbed wired came to be?  As the settlers moved out West, there was the need to keep their animals from wandering too far. Throughout time people have used stone or wood to contain animals, but the plains were in short supply of both. East...
The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project

Did you know that science confirms the biblical record, that all humans originated from two people?  In 2003 the human genome project was completed and the three billion letters on the human genome DNA code were mapped in a massive, coordinated effort by genetic...
One Family Different Shades of Brown

One Family Different Shades of Brown

  Did you know we are all different shades of brown, due to a pigment called melanin? If you have lots of melanin, you’ll have darker brown skin and if you have a little melanin you’ll have lighter skin. So, we’re all shades of brown, not black and white.   Monday is...
Uniquely Designed Giraffe

Uniquely Designed Giraffe

The giraffe is a unique creature! Did you know the giraffe has one of the highest blood pressures in the animal kingdom? It’s necessary to pump blood way up to its brain. It would seem that the blood would naturally pool down in his skinny legs. However, the reason it...