Owls Silent Flight

Owls Silent Flight

Did you know that the feather of an owl is unique from other birds?  Other birds produce feathers with straight, crisp edges. An Owl’s flight feathers have fringes at the edges. The owl also has a notch on one of its flight feathers. Both the notch and the fringes...
Solving the Salt Dispersion

Solving the Salt Dispersion

If saltwater covered the world only 4,500 years ago during the worldwide flood, why weren’t all land surfaces spoiled by the resulting salt?  This is a challenge commonly promoted by those who reject any possibility of a global flood upon the Earth because a worldwide...
Feather Weather Frequency

Feather Weather Frequency

Have you considered how birds “hear” blizzards coming?  Birds have exceptional hearing but in a lower frequency range than normal human hearing. Birds can actually hear bad weather approaching. I am sure you have noticed that a day or so prior to a major storm, birds...
Flourishing Forest Fires

Flourishing Forest Fires

How are flames used to reproduce forests?  Fire and forests do not normally mix, yet several species of pine trees seem designed to thrive after forest fires. The mature Ponderosa pine bark looks like thick plates or puzzle pieces. When heated during a forest fire,...