Numbering the Stars

Numbering the Stars

How do scientific observations confirm the Bible? On a clear night we can observe nearly 3,000 stars.  In Jeremiah 33:22 it states, “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sands of the sea measured.” Jeremiah wrote that no one would be able to count the...
Insect Control

Insect Control

Who designed the balance of life? The yellow-throated warbler is a beautiful songbird that has been observed to eat 70 aphids per minute. In the span of 40 minutes it can devour nearly 3000 aphids. A nighthawk will eat almost 500 mosquitoes in one feeding. It’s been...
The Leafcutter Ant

The Leafcutter Ant

How did leaf-cutting ants develop their farming techniques? Leafcutter ants are mushroom farmers. They cut leaves and haul them back to their underground colony. Other worker ants reduce the leaves to mulch. This mulch is the compost on which the fungus grows....
The Unique Human Face

The Unique Human Face

How are humans different from animals? One way humans are uniquely created is that they have the most expressive, communicative faces of any organism ever created. The human face is controlled by 53 different muscles which enable us to express an incredibly wide...
Water Makes Life Possible

Water Makes Life Possible

What makes our planet unique? When astronomers are looking for life on other planets, what do they look for?  Water.  One of the wonderful properties of water is its ability to hold heat. In fact, our oceans and seas act like big thermostats that moderate the Earth’s...
The Cambrian Explosion

The Cambrian Explosion

Where are the transitional fossils? Charles Darwin believed that if evolution were true, it would be found in the fossil record. He believed that the fossil record would show a species gradually changing from simple to greater complexity. But over the last hundred...