Ex-Gay Visibility Day with Dr. Jennifer Morse

Ex-Gay Visibility Day with Dr. Jennifer Morse

DescriptionRead more...Tab Ex-Gay Visibility Day with Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute  Join Educate for Life Radio and Kevin Conover as he interviews Dr. Jennifer Ruth about Ex-Gay Visibility Day. Learn more about those that have left the homosexual lifestyle...
Modern Day Exorcism with Vincent Lampert

Modern Day Exorcism with Vincent Lampert

DescriptionRead more...Tab Modern Day Exorcism with Vincent Lampert  Join Educate for Life Radio and Kevin Conover as he interviews Father Vincent Lampert. Learn more about how to combat the enemy of darkness and what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ using the...
From Hinduism to Christianity with Deepa Sukumar

From Hinduism to Christianity with Deepa Sukumar

DescriptionRead more...Tab From Hinduism to Christianity with Deepa Sukumar Join Educate For Life Radio, as Kevin interviews Deepa Sukumar, former Hindu. Learn more about her testimony and how God changed her life.              ...