Are Ghosts Real? – Nichole Strickland

Are Ghosts Real? – Nichole Strickland

DescriptionRead more... Polls suggest that 45% of Americans believe in ghosts. Around the world there is rich lore of people encountering entities or the spirits of loved ones long gone. Yet in today’s culture of materialism and science, the majority of people believe...
The Man Who Built Noah’s Ark

The Man Who Built Noah’s Ark

DescriptionRead more... Ever wondered what Noah’s Ark looked like? These days you don’t have to wonder because it has been rebuilt to full scale! Ken Ham is the man who has rebuilt this marvelous structure and he is Kevin’s guest on the Educate For Life Radio Show. ...
How Can New York Condemn The Unborn to Death?

How Can New York Condemn The Unborn to Death?

DescriptionRead more... Recently, in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill that legalizes abortion up to nine months. How did we get to a point in this country where this is acceptable? The very definition of being a human has been changed.  What is...

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