Educate For Life Blog

Earth’s Ideal Atmosphere

Earth’s Ideal Atmosphere

How is it that our atmosphere is perfectly designed to accommodate life? Our environment has just the right amount of gases, oxygen and sunlight offering optimal conditions for thriving existence, found nowhere else in the universe. Earth’s atmosphere acts like an...

Feet Designed For Standing

Feet Designed For Standing

Did you know the special design of the human foot enables us to stand upright? The foot is composed of three main elements that provide arch support and function: the keystone bone, wedge-shaped bones, and ligaments. The bones must be present or else the arch will...

Modern Day “Cave Men”

Modern Day “Cave Men”

Throughout culture, early-man is depicted as primitive, unintelligent, hairy ape-men. People have dwelled in caves throughout history, and some still live in caves today. Currently in South Australia, people live in caves to get out of the extreme temperatures of the...

What is a “day” in Genesis?

What is a “day” in Genesis?

Have you questioned what the Bible implies in Genesis when referring to the word “day?” Genesis 1:5 says, “And there was evening and there was morning the first day.” The Hebrew word “yom” means a 24-hour period and can also be defined as a wide range of time. So how...

How Trees Survive Winter

How Trees Survive Winter

Have you wondered why trees are bare in the coldest seasons? Every fall, all over the colder regions of the world, trees are transforming for winter. Through spring and summer, their leaves are actively producing fuel through the act of photosynthesis. However, the...

Bible Manuscript Evidence

Bible Manuscript Evidence

The Bible is a book compiled from many historic texts and has been under fire about its historical validity. The validation process of a historical document involves researchers who date the copies of manuscripts to identify the time from original writing to the copy...

Red Blood Cells

Red Blood Cells

Did you know red blood cells are disk-shaped with a concave center on both sides? A scientific study was conducted to determine the most efficient shape of a red blood cell in carrying oxygen. They came up with a calculation utilizing the law of gas diffusion and...

Grand Canyon Flood Evidence

Grand Canyon Flood Evidence

Did you know evidence for a Global Flood can be observed in the Grand Canyon? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone.) The Grand Canyon is a huge hole in the earth’s surface at 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep; 900...

The Monarch Butterfly

The Monarch Butterfly

Did you know that the Monarch butterfly has a compact navigational system more powerful than your personal GPS? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone.) The amazing monarch has a number of incredible design features including the ability...

Dinosaur History

Dinosaur History

There are two worldviews on dinosaur history, which one is correct? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone.) If the evolutionary worldview is right, dinosaurs died off 65 million years before man existed and there should be minimal known...

The Beaver’s Adaptations

The Beaver’s Adaptations

Did you know there is a mammal perfectly suited for semi-aquatic living? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone.) The beaver has specially designed features that allow it to thrive in and out of water. These unique traits include built-in...

The Human Eye

The Human Eye

Have you ever been intrigued by the intricate design of the human eye? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone.) Its complex structure includes the lens, cornea, retina, optic nerve, pupil, iris and much more. All of these components work...

Ice Layers

Ice Layers

The ice age was a real event of Earth’s history, but just how long did it last and when did it occur? (Content adapted from Inspired Evidence by Julie Vett & Bruce Malone). Evolutionists assume each individual layer from drilled ice cores signifies one year. For...

Climate Change

Climate Change

Global warming, otherwise known as “climate change” is one of the biggest concerns of the 21st century. In the 1970’s there were reports predicting a coming ice age. In the 1980’s were warnings of massive human starvation and war due to overpopulation. In the 1990’s,...

Catapult Flower

Catapult Flower

Did you know the Bunchberry Dogwood plant has a built-in trebuchet?  Its complex catapult-like features compare to the propelling leverage launchers of the Middle Ages. The North-American Bunchberry stands only one-tenth of an inch tall, so it needs to send its pollen...

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